Saturday, January 20, 2007

The New Job: The Return

I start work on Monday. I am going to be an invoicing clerk with a mechanical contracting company, which means that I get sheets from technicians who have just repaired a furnace or plumbing, and have to decipher the writing, make sure that the parts are charged correctly, make sure the hours add up correctly, and turn it into an invoice to send out to the customer.

It wasn't my first choice, but that job hired someone else, and right now I feel like it might be a good place to be. Also, I really wanted to be employed, and it seems fitting to start exactly one month after my last day at The Dickens.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I just realized that I have been in Vancouver for exactly 6 months. Almost to the hour, in fact. It is hard to believe that it's been half a year. Right now my life is sort of oozing by in an aimless way, which contributes to my disbelief; back when I was with The Dickens, my regimented schedule allowed the months to march along in a very regimented way.

Also, today it is snowing. Horray! Is it the end of the world? I hear that seven people have died in the UK from the wind blowing things on them. Kait and missmachismo, you be careful, okay?

In conclusion, what would you name your children? I would name mine Evan Merriwe(a)ther and Rose Miranda. Though Rose would be the less favoured child because I'm really not sure about this whole Miranda middle name. I need a name with that syllabic pattern but that is better.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Some funny things

Yesterday weatherwise was making hilarious comments, so I decided to record them for posterity. Here is what they are:

1)On the hallway onto which our apartment leads, which invariably smells like smoke and also sometimes like stale bacon-"This hallway makes me feel like I will never be happy again. It's the Dementor of hallways."

2)On John Baird, Canada's new Minister of the Environment, after the hasty switching which Steven Harper was forced to do to rid us of the ineffectual blight that is Rona Ambrose- "He has the sort of mouth that seems designed for snivelling."

Likewise, missmachismo and I had a most amusing conversation on the phone, during which came up, as it often does, a discussion on the Black Plague. So a moment later I said-"Guess what is a funny word?"
m-"Um...I don't know....?...gnu*?"
m-"Yeah, I knew that." And she did! That is the thing that I love about missmachismo. She refuses to pander to my idiotic sense of humour until she is good and ready.

*Those of you who know missmachismo at all will know that she finds this word inexplicably hilarious, to the point that she probably spent a few moments helplessly giggling while attempting to read this post, but I am sorry to say that she didn't say it. However, my imperfect memory finds itself unable to furnish me with the word that she actually did guess so this one will have to stand in.

Friday, January 05, 2007

You can come too, too, too

My post-christmas memory nostalgia requires that I share with you all a photo of an outing dating to boxing day. Pictured are Sarah's mom, Joel trying to hide his teeth, me looking Really Gleeful, Sarah attempting to discreetly pull away but failing to fully conceal her expression of alarm and distaste, Ben appearing to be super awkward though I believe that in reality he was merely chilly, and Julie looking really quite good:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy Healthies and a Variety of Completely Unrelated Thoughts

Joyous new year, everyone! I am celebrating 2007 so far by eating very large amounts of malt balls, courtesy of missmachismo, and delicious candy-covered sunflower seeds and nuts, courtesy of kat. I think they are conspiring to make me more "jolly", if you get my drift.

So far unemployment suits me fine. I have embarked upon a vigorous apartment cleaning, which will maybe be done tomorrow. Also applying for jobs, but that's less fun. To date I have found a really neat sounding job that I'm sure I will never hear back from, and a lot of garbagey admin jobs, the vast majority of which I will no doubt also not hear back from.

Strangely, the baking rack has disappeared in the last 36 hours. I suspect wire-eating monsters.

Seriously, you guys, you should read Margaret Visser books. They are all extremely interesting and sound all academic and intelligent but are very easy to read. I just finished one on table manners.

I don't post here much, and I rarely even make comments on other people's blogs, but I hope you all know how much I enjoy reading what you have to say. I wish I could see you more often, though I was commenting to weatherwise yesterday that whenever I use phrases or words or inflections that I have borrowed from an old friend, I get a very vivid memory of that person. So when I (or now weatherwise) say "Poot!" I can hear missmachismo getting frustrated about her computer Baxter, and when I say, "nnnBoo", bento's little pouty face is before me.

In conclusion, this post is sort of like my university papers.