Sunday, December 30, 2007

kittyproof knitting

With the Pollywog so greatly enamoured of string, my usual habit of letting my ball roll around on the floor is no longer practicable. My solution: rockin' it all Cindy Sherman style. That's a ball of yarn stuck under my shirt on my right shoulder. Points to whoever can remember the painting I'm referring to.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Making things work propahly

Thanks to a small Christmas inheritance from my grandmother, I am now the (extremely) proud owner of a DC18 "slim" Dyson vacuum. It has patented cyclone techology! And is bagless! I vacuumed for 45 minutes last night, which is 45 minutes more than I would usually feel like vacuuming after work. Conclusion: my new vacuum is teh awesomes. I especially enjoy seeing all the crud I'm picking up in the clear window before I dump it into the garbage.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Hell's Own Pollywog

Saturday, December 01, 2007


HAH-leh-LU-jah! HAH-leh-LU-jah! halle-LU-jah!halle-LU-jah! Ha-LEH-EH-lu-JAH!

It's almost like being home again.