Saturday, January 20, 2007

The New Job: The Return

I start work on Monday. I am going to be an invoicing clerk with a mechanical contracting company, which means that I get sheets from technicians who have just repaired a furnace or plumbing, and have to decipher the writing, make sure that the parts are charged correctly, make sure the hours add up correctly, and turn it into an invoice to send out to the customer.

It wasn't my first choice, but that job hired someone else, and right now I feel like it might be a good place to be. Also, I really wanted to be employed, and it seems fitting to start exactly one month after my last day at The Dickens.


At 11:53 a.m., Blogger Crypto said...

What was your first choice?

It's not bad at all to start work just one month after your last day at the old job, especially when there was a Christmas break involved. Good luck with the invoicing; I'm sure you'll be great at deciphering people's handwriting.

At 12:38 p.m., Blogger annika fox said...

My first choice was another clerical job at an insurance company. I liked it because the hours were shorter and they seem pretty keen to get people trained so that they can be quckly promoted.

At 12:30 a.m., Blogger bento said...

good luck! I hope everyone treats you nicely!

At 2:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

how'd it go? Any doozies of handwritings yet?

At 7:16 a.m., Blogger annika fox said...

So far it doesn't matter if I can read the handwriting or not because I don't have enough knowledge to interpret what is written regardless. But my trainer is fantastically nice, so it's going well.


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