Monday, January 08, 2007

Some funny things

Yesterday weatherwise was making hilarious comments, so I decided to record them for posterity. Here is what they are:

1)On the hallway onto which our apartment leads, which invariably smells like smoke and also sometimes like stale bacon-"This hallway makes me feel like I will never be happy again. It's the Dementor of hallways."

2)On John Baird, Canada's new Minister of the Environment, after the hasty switching which Steven Harper was forced to do to rid us of the ineffectual blight that is Rona Ambrose- "He has the sort of mouth that seems designed for snivelling."

Likewise, missmachismo and I had a most amusing conversation on the phone, during which came up, as it often does, a discussion on the Black Plague. So a moment later I said-"Guess what is a funny word?"
m-"Um...I don't know....?...gnu*?"
m-"Yeah, I knew that." And she did! That is the thing that I love about missmachismo. She refuses to pander to my idiotic sense of humour until she is good and ready.

*Those of you who know missmachismo at all will know that she finds this word inexplicably hilarious, to the point that she probably spent a few moments helplessly giggling while attempting to read this post, but I am sorry to say that she didn't say it. However, my imperfect memory finds itself unable to furnish me with the word that she actually did guess so this one will have to stand in.


At 9:56 p.m., Blogger bento said...

Those are pretty hilarious. It's always good to have funny people to talk to. especially when the funny people in question are weatherwise and missmachismo ;)

At 8:47 a.m., Blogger annika fox said...

Very true!! And let us not forget that you yourself are also a stimulatingly hilarious conversant!


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