This is why I didn't become an English major
good night room
good night moon
good night silver Iqaluit spoon
good night desk
good night chair
good night mouldering white* teddy bear
good night Old Life
hello New
love sadjoy happy perplexity blue
I will come back and visit when I have two more arms.
*Note: Teddy bear is in fact quite greyish. But he is white at heart**.
**Figuratively. Literally his heart is most likely also grey, though I couldn't say for sure.
I can't get my head around this whole goodbye thing. My brain is clearly not properly constructed for it. Months ago, when I should have been focusing on other things, like making my paintings more thoughtful and jargonistic and whatnot, or being a less horrible person with Grandma, I was all EEEEEEEE! I'm going to Vancouver! Now that I am really almost going to Vancouver, and should be thinking about packing and applying for jobs and whatnot, I am all EEEEEK! I need to spend more time with all the people I love who I am not going to see for MONTHS OR POSSIBLY YEARS(Yes, I'm talkin' boutCHOO, bento, rangertjane, & missmachismo!) and what if I hate it there and can't get a job and things don't work outaaaaaaaghh!
Which is all a bit disconcerting for weatherwise. He said that HE is supposed to be the one getting cold feet.
Sunday Inspirational Quotational (first of a series? probably not)
I found a neat quote from Mother Teresa this morning that has me feeling heartily ashamed of being so wankerish yesterday:
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centred; love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway. The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow; do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable; be honest and frank anyway. What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight; build anyway. People really need help, but may attack you if you help them; help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth; give the world the best you've got anyway."Mother Teresa certainly wasn't without her faults, but this is pretty dang inspiring. I will do my best to live up to it for at least the next couple of hours*. Followed by going back to my usual mix of good intentions and manipulative pettiness coated with a generous frosting of self-righteousness.
*Less if Kerry shows up at church.
Here are some ways to live one's life:
1)Be a witty and interesting conversationalist who occasionally says things which offend, but who attracts the friendship of other interesting people.
2)Be a colourless and totally inoffensive person from whose speech all the ginger has been utterly removed, so as to avoid any conflict whatsoever.
When one is ridiculously hypersensitive and prone to crying buckets of tears for days over the slightest hint of criticism, it seems prudent to go with Option
2). But not very appealing.