The Most Unwanted Music
About 4 years ago I had a brilliant idea for one of my third year projects -- a painting created using the results of a survey which would ask respondents what colours, subject matter, size, etc they liked in paintings. Unfortunately for me, someone had already done it in 1997, and when it comes to conceptual art of this kind, copying what someone else has done really does make it pointless (unless it becomes about copying). This is why I cling to painterliness.ANYWAYS--fortunately for me, the same people decided that what can be done for painting can be done for music. The result is 2 pieces: The Most Wanted Music, and the Most Unwanted Music. I doubt that many people reading this will particularly enjoy the Most Wanted Music. However, the Most Unwanted Music is comedy gold! It features 1) children tunelessly shrieking holiday jingles exhorting you to shop at Wal Mart during, for instance, Yom Kippur, 2)an operatic soprano rapping about the Wild West, and 3)is 25 minutes long!
Check it out