kittyproof knitting
With the Pollywog so greatly enamoured of string, my usual habit of letting my ball roll around on the floor is no longer practicable. My solution: rockin' it all Cindy Sherman style. That's a ball of yarn stuck under my shirt on my right shoulder. Points to whoever can remember the painting I'm referring to.
Making things work propahly
Thanks to a small Christmas inheritance from my grandmother, I am now the (extremely) proud owner of a DC18 "slim" Dyson vacuum. It has patented cyclone techology! And is bagless! I vacuumed for 45 minutes last night, which is 45 minutes more than I would usually feel like vacuuming after work. Conclusion: my new vacuum is teh awesomes. I especially enjoy seeing all the crud I'm picking up in the clear window before I dump it into the garbage.

HAH-leh-LU-jah! HAH-leh-LU-jah! halle-LU-jah!halle-LU-jah! Ha-LEH-EH-lu-JAH!

It's almost like being home again.