I <3 my physio
I went to a physiotherapist last night for the lower back pain that has been bothering me for a couple weeks now. I was sort of expecting her to ask me questions, and then assign me a bunch of core stabilization exercises and that would be that. Instead she really did a number on me, manhandling my body into twisted positions and then basically leaning on me with all her weight. It felt amazing. She got one really satisfying pop out of my back at one point that made me start to giggle.Then, of course, she assigned me some core stabilization exercises. However, they are a little more low key to start with than I was expecting. As in: "You have a muscle called the transversus abdominus". Please lie on the floor and find it."
I now have Reason #135 or whatever it is for the List. Because my pelvic and lumbar ligaments have become stretched and unstable, allowing my spine to move too much, it's even more likely that I will suffer from back pain during pregnancy and the carting-around-an-infant stage than a regular person. That's even assuming that I do work pretty carefully on getting my core muscles in good shape.
So far this morning my back has felt a lot better. And here I was thinking that I would have to wait weeks and weeks before seeing any improvement.