Friday, March 02, 2007

Now we are Twenty-Five

Highlights of my birthday:

1) Ben made french toast for me for breakfast. He also gave me Quiddler! I am delighted with this present, though sad that I cannot play it with all my friends.

2)I got a package from my parents which I am pretending I opened today and not on Tuesday. They gave me a cd, some socks, and a lovely pale green pashmina which I adore.

3)Kait's package came in the mail, totally on time and not late as she feared! The slip came yesterday but I picked it up today. It contained three excitingly different pairs of socks, and a book of Scottish recipes, as well as a charming card. Horray!

Lowlights of my birthday:

1)The french toast had raisins in it and I could not eat it with syrup because it is Lent. Oh well, it was still pretty good with yogourt and applesauce. And healthily low in sugar.

2)I had asked my parents for a card with personal messages from each person in my family. Instead Mom just wrote, "love from mom and dad". I suppose they figured it went without saying. UPDATE:Neverminds! They phoned me tonight and everyone sang happy birthday to me, in harmony. I could hardly say hello afterwards, because I was all weepy. I love my family. PLEASE NOTE: APOLOGIES TO PEOPLE WHO HATE THEIR FAMILIES I DO NOT MEAN TO BE OFFENSIVELY HAPPY.

3)Ben left this morning for the weekend and I don't have any close friends here, and it is Lent, so I'm not having a birthday cake or a party or anything. Which meant that I didn't tell anyone at work that it was my birthday becuase it's always awkward when they say, "Oh, that's great! What are you doing for your birthday?" and you say, "Not a dang thing."

What I am going to do now:

Read some books.

How is everyone else?


At 1:55 a.m., Blogger Crypto said...

Happy birthday!

I'm sorry that you're all alone, and without a cake. I really wish I could be there, but at least I am trying to figure out if maybe we can visit Vancouver this summer/fall. Would that be good?

I usually don't tell people that are not my closest friends (e.g. people at work) that it's my birthday, because I really don't like the kind of fuss and ackward attention it usually brings.

At 9:05 a.m., Blogger annika fox said...

Yes, this summer/fall would be entirely excellent!!!

Well, I'm always torn. I always go in with the intention of not telling anyone, and then when I get to work/school/an art opening for a show that I volunteered for all through the spring of 2006/etc, I up telling people and going through the awkward embarrassment. And, you know, compared to this year, when I really didn't tell a soul, the embarrassment wasn't all that bad.

At 6:28 a.m., Blogger bento said...

It seems unfair to you that your birthday always falls on Lent when you have often given up something.

I regret to inform you that I haven't sent anything for your birthday but my very best wishes and happy (if somewhat incoherent) prayers. Should you wish anything more tangible from Japan, please let me know.

At 6:37 a.m., Blogger bento said...

PS -- since the last message sounded somewhat like Robotically Dour Lydia, here's something more cheery: Happy Birthday, tuna-chan!

At 8:10 a.m., Blogger annika fox said...

Heehee, thanks bento! Good wishes originating from Japan are perfectly fine!


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