Monday, June 16, 2008

sleepy monday

I made an amazing cherry pie last night. I have finally figured out how to make pastry with a tender texture that rolls out really nicely and has visible flaky layers once baked. I also managed the filling proportions such that the cherries are juicy but not soupy. Now all that's left to do is get myself a sugar daddy (note to self: PhD students make poor sugar daddies), quit my job, and start mass producing fruit pies for MCC relief sales. Think how much suffering in Myanmar can be alleviated through the means of encouraging North Americans to eat more fat and sugar!

In other news it is 6:12am and I will be leaving for work in less than 15 minutes. I thought it was only insane exurbanite commuters and people with non-office jobs who had to do this kind of thing.


At 3:02 a.m., Blogger miss machismo said...

Are you going to share your flaky pie crust secret?

At 6:19 a.m., Blogger annika fox said...

Oh, humph. As though you weren't far better than me at making pies already.

At 3:12 p.m., Blogger miss machismo said...

Stuff! Not so great that I shouldn't like to improve!


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