Thursday, December 20, 2007

Making things work propahly

Thanks to a small Christmas inheritance from my grandmother, I am now the (extremely) proud owner of a DC18 "slim" Dyson vacuum. It has patented cyclone techology! And is bagless! I vacuumed for 45 minutes last night, which is 45 minutes more than I would usually feel like vacuuming after work. Conclusion: my new vacuum is teh awesomes. I especially enjoy seeing all the crud I'm picking up in the clear window before I dump it into the garbage.


At 7:08 a.m., Blogger bento said...

My brother once told me that he realized he'd reached full adulthood when he realized that not only did he need to buy a vacuum cleaner, he actually WANTED to buy a vacuum cleaner. ;)

I'm glad you found such joy in cleaning (long may it continue) and I give you an internet high five for spending Christmas money on something so resolutely practical and enjoying it so much (this from someone who has 'hand lotion' and 'a raincoat' on her Christmas wish list)

At 9:57 a.m., Blogger Francesca said...

Hehe! With so much enthusiasm about your new vaccum cleaner, I'm suprised you don't have a picture of IT on your blog. Last night I was trying to think of the Best Christmas Present I'd Ever Had, and most recently, I came up with the electirc mixer I found in my stocking two years ago. huh.

At 2:57 p.m., Blogger annika fox said...

Heehee, we're all so terribly pragmatic!

At 8:27 a.m., Blogger Kathryn L said...

Several months late but I'll chime in now. My mother has been purchasing extremely practical gifts for the last few years. Five years ago it was a sewing machine (which I've probably used once) and this year she felt the need to purchase a ginormous slow cooker of which to feed armies with, when what was on my wishlist for the same amount of time included: iPod shuffle, DSLR.

I have since broken down and purchased both items myself.


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